2008 Bulls Football Season


Photos this section by Fiona S.

click to enlarge      click to enlarge        click to enlarge


click to enlarge     click to enlarge    click to enlarge


click to enlarge The sign says it all!  Bulls totally dominated the UTM Skyhawks in the season opener.





Scenes from Camp ( all images courtesy of Tiffany's Mom):





click to enlarge     click to enlarge


Thank you!!!




copyright 2006-2012 USFSpirit.com



all images this site are copyright 2006-2012 USFSpirit.com


Come back soon, more pictures coming.  PLEASE send your photos to webmaster (addy on front page)

Misc Photos from the Inaugural St. Petersburg Bowl 2008:


It was very crowded before the game began and I had a hard time getting photos.




Have any photos to donate to our site?  Please email the webmaster today!  usfspirit1@gmail.com  (subject line:  usfspirit.com)



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